About us

Valley House, Park House Farm

Park House Farm has been in the Chorlton family of over 53 years and Rob himself was raised on the farm and is now happily raising his own family in the same healthy, fun and free environment. Nothing better to amuse  rumbustious  children then a ride on a tractor or a run through the wheat!


Always busy, unless there is cricket on the TV, Rob runs the farm on a day to day basis and you can find him either at the AD plant or as we lovingly call it 'the Fart Factory' or bouncing along in a tractor whilst talking on the phone!

Rob buys the wood, dries the wood and chops the wood!
Emma keeps the family running by making sure everyone is where they should be, wearing the right thing and with a full tummy! Emma does the accounts, marketing and customer service for FarmLogsuk. Emma is typically your primary contact for all orders.
Josh, James & Immy
Despite Josh flying the nest he has not quite escaped his family contribution to FarmLogs and whilst studying a Masters Biomedical Science at Masstricht University he gets roped into designing all the business cards and flyers. James helps in delivering leaflets and loads up the logs on the trailer ready for delivery. Our precious 'big girl' Immy is certainly the boss and along with her side kicks Peppa & Margot the labs they the masters of advertising. Pictures and videos posted of Immy and the dogs posted on our Facebook page are the only ones getting likes!!

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